Thursday, July 23, 2009

There's a Better Way to Spend Your Time

A movie called "Orphan" is slated to open this Friday. The plot involves a couple who adopt a troubled, older child who terrorizes their family. At the risk of seeming too easily offended by negative stereotypes of children who are adopted at an older age, I'm supporting the national adoption advocates who are calling for a boycott of this irresponsible film.

Arizona's Children Association was founded nearly 100 years ago by the Women's Missionary Society to "found a home in Arizona where orphaned and neglected children could be cared for and adopted." We've spent nearly 100 years finding loving, permanent homes for children of all ages whose parents are unable to care for them. The work of our agency will not be undone, or even affected by this insensitive movie. What I am concerned about is the continued negative impression left on children and teens in the foster care system who have already been victimized by those they should have been able to trust.

This weekend, don't go see "Orphan." There's a better way to spend your time. Do something constructive for children in the state's foster care system who've been marginalized by recent cuts to the Department of Economic Security. Find out how to volunteer to be a CASA or a member of a Foster Care Review Board. Volunteer at Arizona's Children Association to put together "Just for Me" bags or create Lifebook pages to celebrate the lives of children in foster care. This movie will be in and out of theaters soon. Your impact on a child is forever.

Fred Chaffee
President and CEO
Arizona's Children Association

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