September 13 is Grandparents Day! A great day to celebrate all of the grandparents here in our state who are caring for their grandchildren.
At the KARE Family Center in Tucson, a small group of grandparents wanting to “give back and go the extra mile” on behalf of KARE are training in advocacy skills and making appearances in the community to ask for more attention and support for this “hidden caregiver population”. Although all the members are considered “senior citizens” in age, their list of accomplishments is impressive. George Arevalo, Jose Velasco, Rosa Borbon and Jessie Hetherington have visited with legislators, staged a well-attended caregiver rally in Tucson, and are planning a spectacular fundraiser for the KARE Center for March 27, 2010 featuring Grammy nominated artist R. Carlos Nakai. Laurie Melrood, KARE –Tucson director, says: “These are caregivers who embrace the KARE mission of keeping children safe and stable with relative families, and want to make sure that kin families have a voice in the community.”
Check out to learn more about KARE on our website or visit our YouTube site for our video on KARE.