Mentors for Young Adults Aging Out of Foster Care

In May of 2013,
AzCA was awarded a statewide DES contract for the Independent Living Program
which teaches essential life skills to youth aging out of the foster care
system. In order to improve the lives of transitioning youth, AzCA decided to
bring mentors on board to develop supportive, positive relationships that assist
the young adults reach their full potential.
THRIVE is actively recruiting community members and
foster care alumni to be mentors for young adults (ages 17-19). Mentors are
asked to commit to working with their mentee for two years in order to assist
them in their transition into adulthood. THRIVE mentors must be at least 21
years old, demonstrate life skills and achievement, be relatable to youth, and
have at least one year’s experience working with adolescents. All mentors
receive the training, support and resources necessary to understand the
transition planning process and to cultivate a successful mentor relationship.
THRIVE is statewide and dedicated to one-on-one
mentoring that helps foster care youth thrive and achieve the same success as
their peers who are not involved in foster care including: reduced rates of
homelessness and teen pregnancy, increased rates of graduation, job stability,
social skills, and healthy adult connections.
Stephanie is an eighteen year old who is part of AzCA’s Independent Living
Program. She has been matched with a mentor for several months and is grateful
for the time they spend together.
“She is a dedicated parent. She is a good example
for me and I hope to gain some of the knowledge she has,” said Stephanie.
“[She’s] trustworthy, successful and a great leader. I really like her. I hope
for the qualities that she has and I will learn a lot for the future.”
Questions? Email or
call 1-844-747-1533.
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